Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Perfect Egg

I cooked my dad the perfect poached egg this morning.  Dad was happy. I was thrilled too, not being known for my culinary skills.
For lunch, I cooked myself a poached egg.   Not so perfect.  Actually, I had to throw it away. It wasn’t even good enough for me, and I’m not fussy with my own cooking – I usually cook the quickest and easiest meals I can think of.
“This isn’t what I wanted” I said, when I checked out my egg.
So, cooking the egg then reminded me of life. If you don’t like the egg you’ve created, cook another one. Obvious Easter analogy here:  If you don’t like something in your life that you’ve created, create something else by doing it a different way. It’s too easy. Adding even more sense to this example, I thought of how when I was cooking for dad, I was less concerned about it. Another great theory in life – know what you want, but detach from it.  Be in the moment, and focus on it, but detach from the outcome.
So, then I cooked another egg. This time, I concentrated, was patient, and did just what I did for my dad’s perfect egg. It worked, magic. Aha! If you do something right, just copy it to get the same results.
Life can be complicated; we say “It’s hard”, (another egg analogy here), “It’s difficult”, “This isn’t working.” We can create new results with different methods, ingredients if you want to keep with the cooking analogy. We can keep it simple. Change your words to, “It’s easy”, “This is fun”, and “This is exactly what I wanted.”
I’m happy that I’ve cooked two perfect eggs today – one for me, one for my dad, and that I can explain a few simple laws of life.  The inedible egg went in the bin, no need to dwell on that one.
Move on, live and learn.
But, there’s more egg lessons from today. We had the traditional Easter egg hunt at home, we love it. Easter Bunny kindly left out my favourite white chocolate balls and Cherry Ripe egg for me too.
The kids searched for eggs, knowing exactly what they wanted, and delighting in finding their bounty.
If there was no prize to be seen, they quickly moved on and looked elsewhere. I encouraged them to keep looking until they had them all, but we went inside unknowingly leaving a couple still in the garden.
Later, I recalled the missing eggs and suggested we go outside and look again. Three eggs had been left behind and we salvaged two – one was too melted.
The life lesson is to be persistent, and keep what works.  If something isn’t right, if something is missing, keep looking until you find it. If it’s melted, it can be discarded. Keep the best eggs, and leave the bad ones.
Some say I am too analytical, (“Can’t you just have an Easter egg hunt without turning it into a philosophical theory?”) Looks like I can’t, but I invite you to see the insightful lessons in life.
Now I am enjoying another favourite egg, just the way I like it – with cherry bits, and no need for cooking it.
Happy Easter.
Love Donna

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